Saturday, February 27, 2010

Feelies Promo Videos!

Today, I happened to be at home for the night. So my dad had this idea: I was to tape him practicing rudiments, "The Last Roundup", and "Tiger Lily" (a Luna song) in order to promote the Feelies' upcoming tour dates.

So here are the videos:


lunabouch said...

Great song by Luna and nice drumming too. I just watched your dad practice and listened to Tiger Lily while he was practicing!

Daniel said...

I'd love to know what your dad was listening to on the headphones while he was practicing "The Last Roundup". I suppose that it could have been just a CD of the song, but part of me wants it to be a special "guitars and Dave only" remix where he has to play his part.

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Katie said...

Daniel: hahah it's probably a recent recording from a show.